a global space to share in-progress creative work.
Clever/Slice meets monthly following a simple framework called the Critical Response Process that encourages productive, compassionate feedback in order to push the work forward.
Clever/Slice is open to all forms of media and scales. In the past, work has ranged from paintings, product prototypes, animations, plays, installation proposals, workshops, food culture, and music. We meet in our homes and eat pizza or on Zoom, opening this space up to creatives around the world.
Our next slice is July 23rd, 2024 with Kathleen Cunningham. RSVP here!
Want to join a future slice? Sign up for the mailing list.
We make two basic assumptions: that the work presented here is meaningful, and that the artist wants to continue working on it.
If you are looking for approval or rejection, for someone to tell you whether or not what you are doing is worthwhile, you will not find that here.
Our goal is to help you determine where the work needs to go next and how to get there.
To all of us reacting to the work of others: enjoy this respite from competition and comparison.
We are here to uncover meaning.
You can read more about Clever/Slice and our view on the critique presented at the 35th National Conference On The Beginning Design Student in the paper “Taking Back The Crit: Contextualizing Through Feedback.”

Follow us on Instagram.
Past presenters include:
Natasha Balwit
Tania Bohórquez
Lee Cannarozzo
Mae Colburn
Adam Driggers
Ari Elefterin
Christine Facella
Alex Goldberg
Derek Haffar
Jennifer June
Jasper Lin
Victoria Manganiello
Jasper Nathaniel
Madeleine Parsons
Emily Pellerin
Andrew Race
Mariah Smith
Rachel Meade Smith
Sarah Templin
Kevin Truong
Past presenters include:
Natasha Balwit
Tania Bohórquez
Lee Cannarozzo
Mae Colburn
Adam Driggers
Ari Elefterin
Christine Facella
Alex Goldberg
Derek Haffar
Jennifer June
Jasper Lin
Victoria Manganiello
Jasper Nathaniel
Madeleine Parsons
Emily Pellerin
Andrew Race
Mariah Smith
Rachel Meade Smith
Sarah Templin
Kevin Truong